Hyderabad city experienced heavy rains on Thursday night. Many areas, including Jubilee Hills, Banjara Hills, Film Nagar, Yousufguda, Manikonda, Tolichowk, and Gachibowli, were flooded. The heavy rains disrupted normal life and halted vehicular traffic. Even Shakepet, Narsinghi, Mehidipatnam, Kukatpally, and other places received heavy rainfall.
The weather department officials have warned that there is a possibility of further heavy rain in Hyderabad. Residents of the city have been advised to be alert and not to come out. GHMC officials have set up a toll-free number for help due to the heavy rain. If there are any problems, officials have advised to contact the toll-free number 040-29555500.
Untimely rains are affecting Telugu states. Heavy rains accompanied by hailstorms and gusty winds have disrupted farmers, and crops are heavily damaged due to untimely rains in the dry season. Rice farmers are said to be out of profit.
The Meteorological Department has said that there is a possibility of more rains due to surface circulation from Vidarbha to Tamil Nadu continuing over Telangana and Karnataka. The Meteorological Department has said that a low-pressure area will form in Southeast Bay of Bengal by 8th of this month.