Home Hyderabad On the 57th anniversary of his death, the memory of Mir Osman...

On the 57th anniversary of his death, the memory of Mir Osman Ali, the last Nizam, is honored.

On the 57th anniversary of his death, the memory of Mir Osman Ali, the last Nizam, is honored.

The new head of the Asif Jahi Dynasty of Nizams, Nawab Raunaq Yar Khan, visited the mausoleum of Mir Osman Ali Khan, the last ruler of the Princely State of Hyderabad, on Sunday. He went to the Masjid-e-Judi where many of the family members of the 7th Nizam are buried. Nawab Ameer Ali Jah, the grandson of the 7th Nizam, accompanied him and helped select him for the position. Ameer Ali Jah is one of the few Asif Jahi’s in Hyderabad today who was given the title of ‘Jah’ directly by the Nizam.

This was also the 57th anniversary of Mir Osman Ali Khan’s death. Ameer Ali Jah, also known as Moin Nawab, spoke to the media and said that paying respect to his grandfather was an honor. He explained that his grandfather was a progressive and dynamic leader who helped develop Hyderabad into a modern city. He also mentioned that more family members than usual were there to pay tribute because they were accompanying the new Nizam, Raunaq Yar Khan.



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