The Telangana State government has instructed officials to take necessary measures for the upcoming holy month of Ramzan, which begins on March 23. Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav held a review meeting with several officials, including Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali, Telangana State Wakf Board Chairman Masiullah Khan, and Haj Committee Chairman Mohammed Saleem. The officials were directed to ensure that arrangements are in place for the convenience of people in the city.
During the meeting, Talasani emphasized that the government has been making adequate arrangements for all festivals since the formation of Telangana State. Officials were directed to take up road repair, sanitation, and lighting arrangement works near mosques to ensure that people do not face any inconvenience during Ramzan. The concerned departments were also instructed to ensure uninterrupted water and power supply during the holy month.
Water works officials were directed to take steps to ensure uninterrupted water supply, while GHMC officials were instructed to remove stray dogs from some mosques. As Iftar parties are organized regularly in mosques, waste disposals should be arranged adequately, and garbage should be cleared from time to time under the supervision of sanitary officers. Overall, the government is taking necessary measures to ensure that the holy month of Ramzan is celebrated smoothly and conveniently for all citizens.