On Thursday, Additional Collector Snehalatha Mogili visited Chintakani in Khammam district to talk to the beneficiaries of Dalit Bandhu. She talked about how important it is for them to choose their business carefully and manage it effectively. She was joined by Additional Collector and Training Assistant Collector Radhika Gupta for the visit.
During their visit, they inspected various units set up by the beneficiaries at Anantasagar village in Chintakani mandal. They asked about the development and profits of the units to see how well they were doing. Snehalatha Mogili said that the beneficiaries were chosen after a process that looked at their family’s condition, income, and their proposals on the type of units they wanted to start. The officials hoped that the units would provide a good income for those depending on them.
Snehalatha Mogili also emphasized the importance of education, especially for the children of Dalits. She said that getting an education could help with economic empowerment and respect in society. Other officials like MPDO Srinivasa Rao and MPO Ravinder were also present during the visit.