Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka asked the Odisha Chief Minister to allow mining in Naini Coal Mines in Angul district. The mines were allotted to Singareni in 2015. The Odisha Chief Minister responded promptly and instructed officials to facilitate the mining operations. Deputy CM Vikramarka and a team of officials met with the Odisha CM to ensure there were no obstacles to starting mining in Naini block.
In 2017, the Naini mines were allocated to Singareni. Deputy CM Vikramarka met with the former Minister of Coal to address any hurdles related to Tadicharla and Naini Blocks. He explained that all necessary permits for industrial and environmental purposes had been obtained for mining in Naini block. The issue of transferring forest and private lands to Singareni needed resolution before mining could begin.
Mining in Naini block is expected to create jobs for Odisha’s youth and generate significant tax revenue for the state government. Deputy CM Vikramarka emphasized the importance of Naini Coal Mines for Singareni and handed over a detailed letter to the Odisha CM outlining the benefits of allowing mining to proceed.
The Odisha CM promptly responded to the request, instructing officials to address issues related to land transfer, electricity, and roads. With this support from the Telangana State government, Singareni is poised to start coal production from Naini coal block in Odisha soon.