The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is investigating the Popular Front of India (PFI) case and is asking for the public’s help. They have issued an advertisement requesting anyone who knows the whereabouts of the most wanted individuals to contact the police through WhatsApp at 9497715294.
The NIA has provided the names of three suspects from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. They are Abdul Salim from Islampura, Jagityal District, Telangana, MD Abdul Ahad Alias MA Ahad from Mallepally, Nizamabad, and Sheikh Ilias Ahmed from Khajanagar, Buchireddypalem mandal, Nellore District.
Previously, the NIA had arrested many individuals across the country and declared 11 people from Kerala, five from Karnataka, and five from Tamil Nadu as most wanted. Along with those individuals, the three suspects from the Telugu states are also considered most wanted.
The NIA has announced that they will reward anyone who provides information about the whereabouts of these suspects.