BRS Party working president KT Rama Rao went to the Sircilla Constituency level plenary and party Avirbhava Sabha. He spoke about how the BRS party is 22 years old and going to step in at the age of 23. The movement started in Khammam and after 30 years, it has started again under the leadership of KCR. Rama Rao said it was fortunate to work under the leadership of KCR and that former President Pranab Mukherjee had spoken highly of him.
The Minister talked about how Sircilla has developed over the past nine years. Once upon a time, there were a few model villages, but recently Telangana state won 30 percent of the awards at the national level for best villages, and many model villages have been developed in Sircilla district. The BRS government has developed Sircilla a lot in 9 years.
Rama Rao said that Narendra Modi became PM saying from 2010 to 2014 there was a development that did not happen in the past in Gujarat. Narendra Modi who came to power in 2014 did not care about the farmers. Farmers in Maharashtra are with KCR. KCR went into national leadership for the sake of historical inevitability. Congress and BJP would be rejected by the people. The government has developed 3,146 Thandas as Gram Panchayats.
The Minister said that everyone should work hard to win the elections as it is an election year. The BRS should win Karimnagar Parliament seat this time along with Sircilla seat with majority, Rama Rao said.