WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, has introduced a new feature called Chat Lock to enhance user privacy. Chat Lock hides conversations in a password-protected folder, ensuring that notifications do not reveal the sender or message content. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, confirmed the new feature in a Facebook post. The feature relocates a chat thread from the app’s main inbox to a dedicated folder accessible only through a password or biometric authentication. This ensures enhanced security and privacy for users’ confidential conversations.
In addition to Chat Lock, Meta enables WhatsApp users to encrypt their backups, restrict screenshot capabilities, and enable automatic message disappearance as part of its comprehensive privacy package. However, Meta opposed the UK’s proposed Online Safety Bill, claiming it would weaken the privacy of users worldwide. The UK government’s proposal for tech firms to assist law enforcement agencies in combating child sexual abuse on their platforms has sparked concerns over privacy and surveillance.
WhatsApp was among other messaging services that had issued an open letter demanding an “urgent rethink” of the legislation last month. The letter stated that encryption technology should be defended and that no company, government or person should have the power to read personal messages. Several industry leaders, including OPTF/Session, Threema, Viber, and Element, have signed a letter opposing the legislation. They argue that the proposed laws could lead to widespread and indiscriminate surveillance of personal messages. The signatories of the letter and industry leaders are urging the UK government to reconsider its approach and prioritize privacy and security.