Actress Mehreen Pirzada inaugurated Kasam Fashions Readymade Showroom at Station Road in Mahbubabad on Friday. The showroom offers a wide range of garments, including saris, suitable for all ages. Customers no longer need to travel to places like Hyderabad and Vijayawada for shopping as the showroom provides garments at competitive prices.
Dr. Sita Mahalaxmi, wife of MLA B Shankar Naik, expressed her delight at the convenience offered by the showroom. Kasam Mallikarjun, Om Namasshivaya, Kasam Kedarnath, Kasam Siva Prasad, Phanith, and Sai Krishna mentioned that the Kasam Fashions showroom in Mahbubabad is their eighth store in Telangana. They also announced plans for a ninth store in Paloncha of Bhadradri Kothagudem district.
On this special occasion, Mahbubabad MP Maloth Kavitha, MLA B Shankar Naik, and MLC T Ravinder Rao extended their greetings to the management of Kasam Fashions.