The journey to the holy city of Tirupati, the abode of Lord Venkateswara, will now take only 8 hours and 30 minutes with the launch of the 12th Vande Bharat Express Train connecting Secunderabad with Tirupati. Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the train on Saturday, making it the second Vande Bharat train to start from Telangana in three months. The train will run at an average speed of 77.73 kmph and will have halts at Nalgonda, Guntur, Ongole, and Nellore stations. Equipped with a regenerative braking system, the train will prevent energy loss while braking at high speeds. The regular services of the train will start on April 9 from Tirupati and April 10 from Secunderabad. The train consists of 7 AC Chair Car coaches and one Executive AC Chair Car coach with a total seating capacity of 530 passengers. The ACs on the train will be 15% more energy efficient, and the dust-free clean air cooling of the traction motor will make travel more comfortable. The Executive Coaches have the added feature of 180-degree rotating seats, and the side recliner seat facility provided only to Executive Class passengers earlier will now be made available for all classes.