In Hyderabad, the National Das Safety Authority (NDSA) is investigating why the piers of the Medigadda barrage sank. They are looking into possible changes and deviations in the barrage designs, as well as the role of officers in these deviations. The NDSA has sent a questionnaire to the engineers who oversaw the Kaleshwaram project works during construction.
The NDSA suspects that there were deviations from the original designs due to the rush to complete the project. It appears that safety norms may have been overlooked. The barrage construction may not have been done according to technical standards, as the contract agency may have felt pressure to speed up construction.
Multiple works for the barrage were carried out simultaneously, possibly weakening the piers. Proper curing of the pier structures may not have been allowed, as works above the piers were completed too quickly. The NDSA is seeking detailed information on the construction activity from start to finish, with documentary evidence to determine the reasons for the piers sinking.
The role of the contract agency in potentially violating technical standards is also being investigated. The company L&T, which completed the works, claims to have followed designs and schedules set by the previous government.