New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a jab at the Congress, saying that their curses have actually benefited him and his party. He mentioned that despite the Congress constantly hurling abuses and accusations at him, it has only helped the BJP-led NDA to come to power twice.
During his response to the Opposition’s no-confidence motion, Modi highlighted how the Congress had predicted India’s collapse due to the government’s reforms and NPAs. However, the opposite has happened, with banks and public sector units (PSUs) doubling their profits. Modi also mentioned how the Congress had accused his government of killing HAL and shutting down LIC, but both organizations have thrived under his leadership.
Modi expressed regret that the Congress has not learned any lessons in the past five years. He criticized their lack of innovation and creativity, stating that their no-confidence motions are purely for political purposes and do not prioritize the welfare of the country. He expressed hope that by 2028, when they introduce another no-confidence motion, they would have matured enough to show innovation and creativity.