Hanumakonda District Congress Party President and West Constituency MLA Nayini Rajender Reddy held a press conference on Sunday at the District Congress Party office. He addressed party workers and the media to discuss important issues facing the constituency and the party’s plans for the upcoming elections.
Reddy spoke about the Congress Party’s focus on solving public problems and implementing policies that benefit the people. He criticized the current ruling government, accusing it of not fulfilling its promises. Reddy assured everyone that he would continue to work for the development of the Hanumakonda district.
He emphasized the need for grassroots efforts and encouraged party members to connect with local communities. He urged them to strengthen the party’s presence in wards and villages. Reddy also stressed the importance of unity among party workers, stating that teamwork is crucial for winning elections.
In his speech, Reddy promised to concentrate on resolving key issues such as unemployment, improving infrastructure, and ensuring access to quality education and healthcare. He reaffirmed his commitment to serving the people of the West Constituency.
The press conference was well-attended by party members, who showed their enthusiasm and support for Reddy’s leadership and his vision for the district.