Hyderabad: The Nampally Court is scheduled to announce its decision today on the regular bail petition filed by actor Allu Arjun. This case stems from the tragic stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre during a promotional event for Pushpa 2: The Rule. The incident led to one death and left several others injured, drawing widespread attention.
Allu Arjun had previously been granted a four-week interim bail while awaiting the court’s decision on his regular bail plea. His legal team has already presented their arguments, and the court’s verdict will determine whether the actor can continue fighting his case from outside jail or if he will be placed in remand.
This decision is being closely watched by fans, legal experts, and the film industry. Many view the ruling as significant, as it could set an important precedent for handling legal issues involving public figures in high-profile cases. Today’s outcome will play a key role in shaping the next steps for Allu Arjun in this ongoing legal matter.