Tollywood star Venkatesh and his family members, including Rana, Abhiram, and brother Daggubati Suresh Babu, were ordered by the Nampally court to register a case against them. This decision came after a complaint filed by a person named Nandakumar. Nandakumar claimed that the Deccan Kitchen Hotel was demolished despite court orders. He stated that the building, which was worth crores of rupees, was destroyed and the furniture was taken away.
According to the complaint, the hotel was illegally demolished despite court orders. GHMC officials alleged that Venkatesh, Suresh Babu, Rana, and Abhiram colluded with the police in this incident. They claimed that 60 private bouncers were hired and the hotel suffered a loss of Rs 20 crores. Nandakumar requested the court to take legal action against the culprits. In response, the Nampally court has ordered the registration of cases against Venkatesh and his family members.