BJP president JP Nadda criticized Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, calling him the “king” of corruption. He urged people to vote for the BJP in the upcoming Assembly polls to end corruption in the state. Nadda highlighted the achievements of the Narendra Modi government, stating that it has empowered various sections of society such as the poor, underprivileged, youth, Dalits, and farmers during its nine years of rule.
Speaking at a public rally in Bilaspur city, Nadda accused the Baghel government of being involved in corruption and claimed that individuals associated with the Chief Minister were tainted by graft. He emphasized the need to remove the “corrupt” Congress government from power, which had been ruling the state since 2018 after ending 15 years of BJP rule.
Nadda specifically targeted Baghel, stating that he does not do any work and is deeply involved in corruption. He criticized the Baghel government for taking credit for projects and schemes initiated by the previous BJP administration led by Raman Singh.
Nadda questioned the crowd about corruption in sectors such as coal transportation, liquor, and sand, and they responded affirmatively. He also mentioned a deputy secretary of the CM who has been in jail for five months in connection with an alleged coal levy scam. Nadda urged people to vote out corrupt individuals and remove the Congress government from office.