Congress candidate MLA Mynampalli Hanumantha Rao attended a program called Athmeeya Sammelanam organized by the residents of Venkateshwar Nagar in East Anand Bhag division on Wednesday night.
The program was also attended by Corporator Prem Kumar Colony President Brahmaiah, B Block President Venkatesh Yadav, and several other individuals from the colony including BK Srinivas, Sathyamurthy, Babu, Satyanarayana, Sampath Rao, Shyam Rao, Roja Ramani, Ramu, Prakash, Nursing Rao, Madhu, Reddeyya, Sunitha, Ramani, Krishna Kumari, Shobha, Santoshi, Priyanka, and Subbalakshmi.