Founder member of TRS and retired teacher Porika Pooma Naik has become a rebel candidate for Bharat Rashtra Samithi. A rally was held on Wednesday, where a large number of women went from Mulugu Area Civil Hospital to Premanagar and handed over the nomination papers to Election Returning Officer, PO Ankit.
During the rally, Pooma Naik expressed his disappointment with the behavior of some new leaders in BRS. He mentioned that Chief Minister KCR had promised him an opportunity from BRS in 2002, but the promise of MLC posts had been forgotten. Pooma Naik also stated that the newcomers are ignoring activists and senior leaders who are currently working for the victory of the BRS candidate.
In response to this, Pooma Naik filed his nomination as a rebel candidate and expressed his determination to show his ability. The program was attended by Telangana activists, followers of Pooma Naik, and others.
A separate image is included below.