On Thursday, heavy rains brought relief to several parts of Telangana state, lowering temperatures by a few notches below normal. The twin cities, Vikarabad, Zaheerabad, Ibrahimpatnam, Yacharam, Manchala Mandal, Abdullahpurmet, Dandumailaram, Pocharam, Nallamandi village, Bodakonda, Ellamma Thanda, and other areas witnessed heavy rain and hailstorms. The Meteorological Department reported that a low-pressure turf moving from Jharkhand to Telangana via Chhattisgarh had moved towards Odisha on Wednesday. Winds blowing from the east and southeast towards the state caused the rains.
The Met department had issued a yellow alert for ten districts of Telangana. By 1 pm, there were thunders and lightning followed by gusty winds, making it seem like evening during the daytime. Unfortunately, a farmer in Gattu Mandal of Mahbubnagar died when he was hit by a thunderbolt while working in his farmland. Sheds and houses were also damaged in some places.
Mango farmers in Marpalle district suffered huge losses due to the fruit falling off the trees during the hailstorms. Lemons reportedly suffered the same fate in parts of the district. Heavy rains also lashed Ranga Reddy district, Moinabad, Shamshabad, and other districts, causing damage to vegetables. Farmers were seen struggling to protect their fruit crops and vegetables.