Mahbubnagar MP and BJP National Vice President DK Arunamma praised the central annual budget. She said it focuses on national development and welfare for everyone. The budget prioritizes women, youth, farmers, and the middle class. It also addresses key sectors such as education, agriculture, employment, and manufacturing.
Key Highlights of the Union Budget:
Women and Girls’ Welfare:
₹3 lakh crore has been allocated for schemes benefiting women and girls. These funds aim to promote their welfare and participation in various fields.
Employment and Skill Development:
The budget includes provisions for creating employment opportunities and establishing skill development centers.
Agriculture and Allied Sectors:
The agriculture sector has received over ₹1.5 lakh crore. This funding aims to boost productivity and support allied sectors.
Rural Development:
₹2.66 lakh crore has been allocated for rural development initiatives.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana:
₹2 lakh crore has been earmarked to benefit 3 crore people under this housing scheme.
Response to Opposition Criticism:
MP Arunamma dismissed allegations from Congress and BRS as politically motivated and unfounded. She emphasized that the budget reflects the government’s commitment to the welfare of all citizens, especially the underprivileged and middle-class groups.
Employment for Youth:
Proposals aim to provide employment to 4 crore youth across the country.
Income Tax Relief:
The budget includes exemptions in income tax payments, benefiting 4 crore people, employees, and small traders.
Industrial and Infrastructure Developments:
Arunamma highlighted significant allocations for infrastructure projects. ₹11.5 lakh crore has been proposed for the country’s overall development. She mentioned the Hyderabad to Bangalore Industrial Corridor, questioning the opposition’s recognition of the 210 km stretch in Telangana, which includes Palamuru district.
Promises and Past Commitments:
She reiterated the central government’s promise to fund 60% of the Palamuru Rangareddy project. She criticized BRS and Congress for neglecting these facts and misleading the public with false promises. She accused these parties of poisoning public perception against the central government, despite the substantial wisdom displayed by the people of Telangana in previous elections.
MP DK Arunamma’s strong endorsement of the Union Budget underscores the BJP’s commitment to inclusive growth and development. Her remarks reflect the party’s confidence in the budget’s potential to drive national progress and enhance the quality of life for all citizens.
For further details, stay tuned to our coverage of the Union Budget and its impacts across various sectors.