BJP MP Arvind Dharmapuri criticized Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for his ‘Ab Ki Baar Kisan Sarkar’ slogan. The BJP MP said that the slogan is inappropriate when the state’s farmers are in a difficult situation due to unseasonal rains causing damage to crops. The state government has not provided relief for affected farmers, despite KCR announcing Rs 10,000 for each farmer. The BJP MP also claimed that KCR did not plan for unseasonal rain, nor did he take measures to protect farmers’ interests. The BJP MP accused KCR of being more concerned about expanding his party’s reach into Maharashtra.
Earlier this week, KCR raised the slogan ‘Ab Ki Baar Kisan Sarkar’ at a gathering in Maharashtra’s Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar. He urged farmers to vote for a government that would prioritize their welfare and pitched the “Telangana model” of governance in Maharashtra. KCR stated that farmers should lead the movement for change and help achieve all-round development for the nation.