Home Telangana More than 6,000 Gujaratis participate in the Gujarati Gaurav Yatra in Hyderabad

More than 6,000 Gujaratis participate in the Gujarati Gaurav Yatra in Hyderabad

More than 6,000 Gujaratis participate in the Gujarati Gaurav Yatra in Hyderabad

Around 6,000 Gujaratis from Telangana participated in a series of events during the unveiling ceremony of Gujarati Ekta Mahotsav (GEM)-24. One of the main activities was the ‘Gujarati Gaurav Yatra’, a huge rally that included vintage cars, bikes, and bikers on two-wheelers. The event also featured a carnival walk and a series of tableau.

The GEM-24 started on Sunday and will last until April 21. It is a four-month-long event that will include various activities such as the Chetan Bhoghani T-20 cricket tournament, chawda and parekh women’s box cricket, Patel and Gandhi Garba Raas Ni Rumjhat, Telangana Gujarati kids fashion show, and Miss and Mrs Telangana Gujarati. A member of Telangana Gujarati Samaj provided this information.



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