The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), led by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, has a party fund of Rs 1,250 crore. This includes Rs 767 crore in bank deposits that are earning interest of Rs seven crore per month. The party uses the interest income to pay for their expenses, such as running the party, constructing party offices, campaigning, and creating infrastructure.
KCR, as he is known, had previously announced that the then-TRS party had fixed deposits worth Rs 425 crore that were earning Rs two crore per month in interest. The BRS recently passed a resolution stating that the party president will oversee the financial affairs of the party, including opening bank accounts in other states and coordinating media campaigns.
The BRS will inaugurate their party office in Delhi on May 4. Additionally, they plan to create TV advertisements and produce films to reach a wider audience across the country. KCR emphasized the importance of transparency and warned against any corruption among his public representatives.