Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently attended a Janasabha in Warangal Thimmapur as part of the parliamentary elections. During his speech, Modi criticized the Congress for their double standards, particularly in their relationship with Ambani and Adani. He questioned whether the Congress had made some sort of deal with these businessmen, as they suddenly stopped criticizing them once the elections were announced.
Modi also took aim at the Congress and K Chandrasekhar Rao-led BRS in Telangana, accusing them of putting their families before the nation. He highlighted the common factor of corruption between the two parties and emphasized the need to defeat them. Modi also made allegations about the Congress planning to take away reservation rights from certain communities and their opposition to the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
During his speech, Modi claimed that the Congress is not happy with the construction of the Ram temple and quoted a former adviser of the royal family of Congress who alleged that the party planned to reverse the court’s decision on the temple. Modi also accused the Congress of insulting former PM P V Narasimha Rao due to their family-first policy.
The issue of the “RR tax” was also raised by Modi, claiming that it has become a hot topic from Telangana to Delhi. He alleged that money collected under this tax in Telangana is being transferred to Delhi, causing harm to the state. The Prime Minister warned that this “RR game” could have disastrous consequences for Telangana if not addressed.