BRS MLC Kalvakuntla Kavita accused the Congress party of forgetting the contributions of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. She unveiled a statue of Narasimha Rao at Nizamabad Borgam (P) in the presence of Rao’s daughter, MLC Vanidevi, and son Prabhakar Rao.
Kavita praised Rao for his leadership and the impact he had on the country’s economy. She emphasized that he attracted investments from multinational companies and created job opportunities for many people. Kavita criticized the Congress party for not recognizing Rao’s contributions and mentioned that centenary celebrations were being held worldwide to honor him.
Kavita expressed her desire for everyone to have leadership qualities like Rao and highlighted his efforts in transforming the Ministry of Education into the Ministry of Human Resources. The installation of Narasimha Rao’s statue in Nizamabad town was seen as a significant development. The event was attended by various political leaders and BRS representatives.