Choppadandi MLA Sunke Ravi Shankar held a press conference in Karimnagar on Friday where he alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP government are conspiring to harass Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR). According to Shankar, the Central government is targeting KCR with illegal cases against MLC K Kavitha with ED notices. He further stated that Kavitha was mentally harassed for nine hours in the name of investigation. Shankar believes that this is a conspiracy by ED and Modi, as they cannot digest the support that KCR is getting all over India.
Shankar also questioned why ED and IT raids were not conducted on Adani and Malya. He compared Kavitha’s interrogation to that of Nalini Chidambaram, who was interrogated at her house in the past. Shankar accused BL Santosh Kumar of buying MLAs and avoiding coming before the SIT, bringing an order from the Supreme Court to avoid investigation.
Shankar believes that the ED probe was a conspiracy to show to the outside world that the MLC committed a crime, even though she agreed to cooperate in any investigation after the case in the Supreme Court on March 24. He complained that the Bharatiya Janata Party is committing acts of violation of the constitution and the law by attacking many MLAs and terrorising them to join the BJP to avoid such cases.
The press conference was attended by TRS party district presidents GV Ramakrishna Rao, library association chairman Anil Kumar, city president Challa Hari Shankar, former DCMS chairman Mudiganti Surender Reddy, state leaders Veerla Venkateswara Rao, market committee chairman Gaddam Chukka Reddy, Mamidi Tirupati, Korantla Narender Reddy, single window chairmen Dulam Balagoud.