Gadwal MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy recently attended a general body meeting in Gattu Mandal. During the meeting, he emphasized that the development of villages is the top priority for the Telangana state government. He mentioned that the government has already provided various facilities in rural areas such as farmers’ platforms, dumping yards, rural nature forests, Vaikunta Dhams, tractors, water tankers, and other infrastructure.
MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy also praised Chief Minister KCR for his dedicated efforts towards rural development and the welfare of farmers. He urged the Mandal officials to work together with district authorities to select beneficiaries for the Dalita Bandhu and Gruhalakshmi schemes as quickly as possible.
Several other officials, including MPP Vijay, ZP TC Basu Syamala, Vice MPP Sumathi, Hanumanthu, and others, were also present at the meeting. Later on, MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy announced the addition of a new ambulance to the medical department.
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