Hyderabad: Miss Universe Andhra Pradesh 1st runner-up, Vani Videha, officially opened the Handloom India Expo at Kalinga Cultural Hall, Banjara Hills. The event is organized by Jagdishwar Hastkala.
“Platforms like this are essential for women seeking well-designed hand-woven cotton, silk wear, and exclusive textile, silk, and handloom creations all under one roof,” said Vani Videha.
The main goal of the handloom exhibition is to support weavers and provide a market for the handloom industry. “Through these exhibitions, we have managed to create a good market for the weavers and their handloom woven products, even in places where exhibitions are not usually possible,” said organizer Jayesh Kumar.
He added, “The exhibition aims to bring pure silk and cotton products directly from weavers to customers without involving merchants.” The Expo will continue until 29th July 2024, and is open from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm.