Hyderabad: The Telangana government allocated Rs 3,000 crore for Minority Welfare in the financial year 2024-25. However, less than half of the funds have been spent so far. Due to a budget crunch and prioritization of other welfare schemes, spending on Minority Welfare has taken a backseat.
According to information obtained through an RTI, only 26% of the allocated Rs 3,000 crore has been utilized in the first three quarters of the financial year. Out of the Rs 2,997 crore set aside in the budget, only Rs 404 crore has been spent on welfare schemes, which accounts for just 18% of the total allocation. Various departments are struggling to operate, as only half of the funds allocated to them have been used. For example, out of Rs 740 crore reserved for “establishment,” less than Rs 400 crore has been spent. Similarly, the “Shaadi Mubarak” scheme has utilized only Rs 215 crore out of its Rs 650 crore allocation, while the Wakf Board has spent just Rs 51.56 crore from its Rs 120 crore budget.
The situation is even more concerning for schemes under the Telangana State Minorities Finance Corporation (TSMFC). For instance, the bank-linked subsidy scheme, with a budget of Rs 300 crore, and the Training & Employment program, with Rs 30 crore, have not even crossed Rs 1 crore in expenditure as of November, when the RTI response was received.
RTI activist M.A. Akram expressed disappointment, stating, “The government in Telangana has changed, but there is no noticeable difference in the budget allocation for minorities. Muslims are hopeful that the Congress government will allocate and spend a significant budget on minority communities.”
In comparison, the financial year 2023-24 saw better utilization of funds, with Rs 1,755 crore spent out of the Rs 2,195 crore allocated. Similarly, in 2022-23, Rs 1,672 crore was spent out of a total budget of Rs 1,724 crore.
There is increasing pressure on the State government to prioritize spending for the Minority Welfare department, as many welfare schemes have not yet been implemented. Activists have also reminded Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, who oversees this key portfolio, about the election promises, including the introduction of a Minority sub-plan. Many hope the government will take swift action to address these concerns.