Telangana has grown quickly over the last nine years thanks to Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, according to Minister for Tribal Welfare Satyavathi Rathod. She spoke at a meeting about the upcoming Dasabdi Utsavalu celebrations in Mulugu and said that before 2014, the state was struggling with irrigation, drinking water, and other basic needs. But Telangana has now made great progress in many areas, including irrigation and power, and has even become a major rice producer. The government is also focused on providing better healthcare to people, with new medical colleges, diagnostic centers, and other services. The government is also planning to distribute land titles to podu farmers soon.
Rathod also mentioned the Sammakka Saralamma jatara festival in Medaram, which the government is supporting with funds. The minister directed officials to ensure that the Dasabdi Utsavalu celebrations from June 2 to June 22 are well-organized and reflect Telangana’s success. District collector S Krishna Aditya, additional collector Ila Tripati, ITDA project officer Ankith, and superintendent of police Gaush Alam were among those present. Earlier, Rathod visited a proposed site for a new Collectorate complex in Mulugu.