Hyderabad: Minister for Education Sabita Indra Reddy said that the state of Telangana is making progress in cleanliness when every individual becomes aware of cleanliness. The government has inaugurated the construction of CC roads in the limits of Jalpalli Municipality, a children’s park near Jalpalli Dam, and a government school that has been developed in our village-our city.
Speaking in this context, she said that Chief Minister KCR is working towards the progress of the city, not just the rural areas. The BJP government is committed to the welfare of the people. Chief Minister KCR, along with Municipal Administration Minister KTR, explained that corporations in the Maheshwaram commissionerate, which have billions of rupees in funds, are undertaking development works in municipalities.
They also explained that the medical college has been approved for the recruiting class and thanked Chief Minister KCR for this. In this program, Chairman Abdullah Sadi, Commissioner Vasanth, DEE Venkanna, Ayesha of EEE, Koushik Reddy from the Co-option Member Suresh Reddy, councilors, officials, and others participated.