On Tuesday, BC Welfare and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar visited Ramnagar in Karimnagar to inspect the construction of integrated markets. He expressed that the Telangana government is committed to providing better facilities for the people of Karimnagar. Kamalakar, along with city Mayor Yadagiri Sunil Rao, checked on the progress of the works and urged officials to ensure that the four integrated markets being built across the city are open to the public within three months. The minister emphasized that the establishment of integrated markets will resolve traffic problems and provide residents with access to all types of markets in one location. The four integrated markets are being constructed at a cost of Rs 40 crores and will offer state-of-the-art facilities, ample parking, and fresh water. Around 3,000 people running businesses on the roads across the city will be given an opportunity to operate in the integrated markets. The minister acknowledged that there were not enough markets to meet the needs of the people of Karimnagar, with vegetables and meat being sold on main roads in unclean environments. The construction of integrated markets is in line with the instructions of CM KCR to address traffic problems arising from sales on the roads.