Hyderabad: Minister Indrakaran Reddy, the Minister of Environment, announced that Chief Minister KCR’s Haritha Haram program is yielding good results with public participation. With the same motivation, in the ongoing Telangana Decade Celebrations, everyone is urged to actively participate in the Haritotsavam program to achieve success. In villages and cities across the state, there is a growing interest in cultivating crops and planting trees to create a green environment. Similarly, the Forest Department has been working towards increasing green cover in the state to benefit agriculture and its outcomes and has provided details to the public.
In the Ravindrabharathi program, officials who have made special efforts in wildlife conservation were honored and awarded. As part of the Telangana Decade Celebrations, CM KCR planted saplings in the Haritotsavam program being held on Monday. This information was provided by Minister Indrakaran Reddy from the Environment Department. CM KCR planted trees in the Rangareddy district’s Tummalluru Urban Forest Park.