The Energy Minister, G Jagdish Reddy, attended an event in Suryapet where he spoke about the importance of vegetarian food for personal development. The event was organized by the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement Suryapet – Pyramid Spiritual Trust Hyderabad. The minister praised the efforts of the Pyramid Spiritual Society in promoting non-violence in India.
In his speech, Minister Reddy explained that vegetarian food is beneficial for life expectancy as it contains essential fiber, nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. He also mentioned that vegetarians tend to have lower fat percentages, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, he highlighted that consuming more vegetables can help control blood circulation and improve heart health due to their richness in iron and nutrients.
The event was attended by several notable figures including Members of the Rajya Sabha Badugula Lingaya Yadav, Municipal Chairperson Perumala Annapurna, Library Chairman Nimmala Srinivas Goud, Zilla Parishad Vice Chairman Gopagani Venkatanarayana Goud, Immadi Soma Narsaiah, Uppala Anand, Teha Konda Satyanarayana, and Thota Shyam.