Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao promised to approve a new metro rail system for Sangareddy to Hayatnagar if his party, BRS, wins the upcoming Assembly elections. He made the announcement while speaking at the foundation stone laying ceremony for a new hospital in Patancheru. The Chief Minister also reflected on his previous work in the area, including a walking tour he took before Telangana became a state. He acknowledged that many challenges faced the state during its formation, but highlighted the progress that has been made since then.
In particular, he noted that Telangana provides 24-hour electricity to homes, businesses, agriculture, and industries, which is unusual in India. The Chief Minister credited this success to the support and hard work of many people, including government officials and workers. He concluded by promising to approve the Patancheru to Hayatnagar metro rail project in his party’s first cabinet meeting if they win the election.