In Gadwal, the Aija mandal Education officer Narasimhulu announced that 51 teachers have reported for duty in the Aija mandal center today as part of a general transfer process, while 25 teachers have been relieved from their posts. This transfer process has received mixed reactions from teachers. Some are happy with their new assignments in areas with good road facilities, while others are disappointed with postings in places lacking basic infrastructure like roads and bus services.
Transfers are a regular part of government employment, but some teachers resist relocating despite regulations requiring them to live in their assigned areas. This rule is often ignored. The situation poses challenges for both teachers and students due to the long distances involved. Teachers traveling 30 to 40 kilometers to reach work can face difficulties that affect their availability and energy levels. This can also impact students, leading to concerns from parents about education quality and teacher availability.
While there isn’t a universal requirement for RTE teachers to live near their workplaces, some state governments and local bodies recommend or encourage it, especially in rural or remote areas. Living close to the school offers benefits like better access to students, efficient management of school duties, and reduced transportation issues and time constraints. Improving transportation and distance challenges could enhance the educational experience for both teachers and students in less accessible regions.