In Hyderabad, five people from the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) IT cell were granted bail by the XII ACMM Court at Nampally. They were involved in morphing a video of a speech by Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, during his election campaign in Siddipet.
The court set conditions for their bail, including a Rs 10,000 bond with two sureties. The accused must also report to the Investigating Officer on Mondays and Fridays until further notice. The individuals involved were Pendyala Vamshi Krishna, Manne Sathish, Pettam Naveen, Asma Tasleem, and Koya Geetha.
During a public meeting in Medak on April 23, Amit Shah delivered a speech that was later morphed. Vamshi Krishna received the altered video on WhatsApp and posted it on Twitter. The other four accused then shared the video on their own social media accounts. They eventually deleted it after being notified by Twitter about sensitive content and were found to have violated the Model Code of Conduct.