The Union Jal Shakti Department has scheduled a meeting on the 6th of this month to discuss the Krishna water dispute and the management of the Nagarjuna Sagar and Srisailam projects. The meeting will be attended by the Chief Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, along with officials from the Water Resources Department.
Earlier, Union Jal Shakti Secretary Debashree Mukherjee held a video meeting on these issues. However, the Telangana Chief Secretary was unable to attend and requested a change of date to the 5th. As a result, a video conference will now be held on the 6th with officials from both states.
During the video conference, the Chief Secretary to the Andhra Pradesh Government explained the situation at the Nagarjuna Sagar project from the Vijayawada Chief Secretary’s office. He assured that all aspects related to the situation will be discussed in the meeting scheduled for the 6th.