In Addakal Gram Panchayat of Addakal mandal, Mahabubnagar district, there has been a shocking revelation of corruption. The village secretary and sarpanch are accused of embezzling government funds by approving fake bills.
Investigations have uncovered collusion between the Panchayat Secretary and Village Sarpanch Manjula in approving fraudulent bills for various activities and purchases. For instance, bills for groceries and petrol showed inflated prices, indicating a pattern of corruption.
Allegations made by whistleblower Diddi Praveen Kumar, a social activist, suggest that the corruption has been ongoing for the past five years under BRS rule. He claims that the majority of bills approved in the village are fake and fabricated, with funds meant for public projects being misused.
Nenu Saitam, an NGO led by Kumar, is demanding a thorough investigation into the matter. They allege that funds meant for community projects like playgrounds and sanitation have been swindled through fake bills. The organization is calling for accountability from District Panchayat Officer and district collector to bring justice to those involved in the scam.