The 221-year-old Maqbara Kalyan Nawab, also called Qutbshahi Kalyani graveyard in Moghalpura, is in a neglected state due to authorities’ inaction. The site faces extensive encroachment, with numerous illegal constructions and damaged building sections.
Many heritage activists and local residents are concerned about the lack of attention from the state government towards restoring the historical Maqbara. The Maqbara is currently facing multiple challenges: around 50 percent of the vacant land has been encroached upon, and the architectural beauty of the structure is being affected by darkening discoloration.
Mohammed Haseeb Ahmed, a heritage activist, questions why the state government and the state Archaeology department are neglecting this structure when they are restoring many old structures in the city. Restoring this structure will preserve its history and architecture for future generations.
The old structure needs urgent attention to restore its former glory. Locals have made complaints to concerned officials about renovating the structure, but their pleas have been ignored. Only 2 acres of land are left due to encroachment, but if the structure is restored, it could become a tourism attraction.
The Maqbara Kalyan Nawab has a little history behind it. Kalyani Nawab from Kalyani in Bidar came to Hyderabad and his residence was known as Kalyani Nawab Ki Devdi. When he died, he was buried in the same residence, which is why the place is also called Maqbara Kalyani Nawab. The Nawabs, who were responsible for defending Basavakalyan under Nizams’ rule, migrated to Hyderabad. The colorful tile work, ornate arches, delicate stucco, and filigree-worked marble grave of Kalyani Nawab can be found amidst many other graves in Moghalpura.