Sagar MLA Bhagath launched the “Mana Uriki Mana MLA” program in Abhangapuram village on Friday. The program aims to help the MLA learn about the problems faced by people in their respective villages. Tricar Chairman Islavat Ramachandra Naik also participated in the launch and said that the program will ensure prompt solutions to these problems.
MLA Nomula Bhagath emphasized the importance of staying local and being available to solve the problems faced by common people. He promised to visit all villages in the Nagarjunasagar constituency before the election and solve their problems. The MLA also mentioned that his team has completed CC roads and is working to restore the drainage system since 2018.
Under the “Mana Uriki Mana MLA” program, CM KCR’s welfare schemes will be propagated from house to house, and people will be made aware of them to strengthen the party. The program aims to usher in a new generation of leaders who are available and attentive to the needs of their constituents.