Eleven people were arrested in Nashik, Maharashtra for beating a man to death because they thought he was transporting beef. The group of about 15 vigilantes stopped a car on its way from Ahmednagar to Mumbai after a toll plaza employee told them there was meat in the car. Two passengers were beaten up, one of whom is in stable condition. The group claims to be cow guardians and will face murder charges. The police confiscated 450 kg of meat, which will be analyzed to determine if it is buffalo or beef.
This incident happened about 25 miles from where another mob attack occurred on June 10, where a man moving cattle was killed. Six people were detained for that murder. The accused in this case will be brought before the court today. The vigilante group created WhatsApp groups to take action when they received information that meat was being transported. The toll booth staff alerted one of the gau rakshaks to the car’s blood stains. According to the police, the individuals detained in this case have no connection to the Rashtriya Bajrang Dal.