In Hyderabad, a young man killed his sister-in-law because she had killed his elder brother. This incident happened in Qutbullapur. The couple, Suresh and Renuka, got married in 2016 and have two daughters. However, Renuka secretly married an orphan girl to her husband, causing problems in their relationship.
On February 5, Renuka killed her husband and the girl while they were sleeping under the influence of alcohol. She tried to make it look like someone else had killed her husband, but her plan failed and she was arrested. Later, she was released on bail.
Recently, Suresh’s younger brother Naresh called Renuka and asked her for money to buy liquor. Instead, Renuka suggested that they drink alcohol together at her home. Three other people were already there, and they all drank alcohol together. While Renuka was intoxicated, the four of them strangled her to death.
This horrifying incident came to light because of Naresh’s last phone call to Renuka.