Former MP and senior vice-president of TPCC, Dr Mallu Ravi, welcomed the opening of the Collectorate and superintendent of police offices by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Monday. However, he questioned the CM about the double bed-room houses promised to poor people and whether the new offices would solve issues like Dharani, unemployment, and unemployment allowance for jobless youth.
In a press release, Dr Mallu Ravi also asked whether the new SP office would change the way opposing party leaders and cadres are repressed, and if the police would work for law and order instead of just general administration. He accused the police of creating a “Police Rajyam” instead of maintaining law and order.
Dr Mallu Ravi also expressed that people are frustrated with the BRS government and are prepared to oust the KCR regime in the upcoming general elections to bring back the Congress government in the state.