In the recent urban local body polls in Uttar Pradesh, the Samajwadi Party’s seat share dropped by 3%, while its ally, the Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), doubled its tally, winning 102 seats compared to 53 in 2017. The RLD contested on 32 Nagar Palika Parishad chairman seats and won seven, as well as winning seven out of 46 Nagar Panchayat seats. The party also increased its presence in the municipal corporation from four seats to 10. This is significant as the RLD won no NPP seats in the previous civic elections. The RLD-SP alliance helped the RLD win over Muslims who have been at odds with Jats since the 2013 communal riots in Muzaffarnagar.
RLD’s performance is in contrast with other BJP allies like Apna Dal(S) and NISHAD party, which kept a low profile. Apna Dal(S) won only one seat out of the two NPP chairman seats it contested, while NISHAD party lost the one NPP chairman seat it contested. The gains made by RLD in the civic polls could help it regain political ground lost due to the rise of BJP under PM Narendra Modi.