A leader named Eatala Rajender spoke at a gathering of the Mudiraj community in Shadnagar. He urged members to work together for the good of the community and forget about political differences. At the event, an idol of Pandaga Sayanna was unveiled and many people from different places came to attend. Before the event, a big rally was organized by the Mudiraj Community in Shadnagar. The leader of the event was Anche Ramulu.
During his speech, Eatala Rajender talked about the bravery of Sayanna and how his fight for the poor can inspire the Mudiraj community to fight for their own rights. He said that the community should govern themselves and not depend on political parties. He warned against compromising and emphasized the importance of reviving the ambitions of heroes. Rajender noted that the Mudiraj community is influential in Telangana and that this event generated a lot of excitement among its members.
Another speaker named Banda Prakash stressed the importance of the community’s history and its role in shaping future generations. He mentioned that Mudiraj self-esteem buildings are being constructed in every constituency across the state as a sign of progress and development. The event was attended by other important figures such as Kasani Gyaneshwar, Banda Prakash, Bittiri Satthi, Ande Babaiah, and Chekala Srisailam.
The Mudiraj community has a long history of fighting for their rights, and this event was an important step in their journey. They should continue to work towards achieving their goals and aspirations for a better future.