The Samajwadi Party has taken a significant step to strengthen its presence in Telangana. The party appointed Madire Narsing Rao as the President of its SC/ST Cell for the state. The announcement was made at the party’s national office in Lucknow, where Vyasa Ji Gound, the National President of the Samajwadi Party and a former minister, officially handed over the appointment letter to Narsing Rao.
This decision was made under the guidance of the party’s National President, Akhilesh Yadav. It reflects the party’s focus on empowering marginalized communities and expanding its influence in southern states like Telangana.
During the appointment ceremony, Narsing Rao was accompanied by senior social activist and party leader Dandu Boyina Nitya Kalyan Yadav. The two leaders met Akhilesh Yadav at the party headquarters, where Yadav emphasized the importance of engaging youth, women, and farmers to strengthen the party’s base in the region. He urged Narsing Rao to promote the Samajwadi Party’s vision of inclusive development and social justice, particularly among Dalits and Adivasis.
As part of the party’s plans, Dandu Boyina Nitya Kalyan Yadav announced large-scale membership drives and social initiatives in Greater Hyderabad. These efforts aim to enhance the party’s outreach and connect with more people on the ground.
Expressing his gratitude, Madire Narsing Rao thanked Akhilesh Yadav for entrusting him with this important responsibility. He pledged to work hard to spread the principles of the Samajwadi Party and implement programs that address the needs and aspirations of marginalized communities across Telangana.
The event also saw participation from other prominent leaders. Rahul Nigam Vasi, National President of the Majdoor Sabha, extended his support to Narsing Rao and the party’s initiatives in the state.
This strategic appointment highlights the Samajwadi Party’s commitment to social equity and grassroots engagement. It is a clear signal of the party’s intention to build a stronger presence in Telangana while addressing the concerns of underserved communities.