Madhuyashki Goud, the TPCC campaign committee chairman and LB Nagar Congress in-charge, recently met with Dana Kishore, the managing director of HMWS, to discuss the issue of fresh water scarcity in Roshan-ud-Daula Colony. Goud emphasized that the residents of this area are experiencing severe water problems, as they only have access to fresh water supply every two or three days.
Goud became aware of these issues during the election campaign when the residents of Basti Daula shared their ongoing problems. In response to these concerns, Goud, along with the leaders of Jalmandali Employees Association, brought the issue to Dana Kishore’s attention.
Following this meeting, Dana Kishore, the zonal commissioner, took action and contacted the relevant officials. He instructed them to promptly address the problem by coordinating with the Defense Department. Temporary tap connections were arranged, and fresh water was supplied through tankers to the affected area.