The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) removed an arch at Madarsa Jamia Islamia DarulUloom in Shivrampally under Rajendra Nagar limits. The GHMC officials say it’s a consensual move in accordance with the compensation agreement reached between the management and the GHMC. The management gave consent to carry out road widening after receiving compensation, but raised objections when the GHMC officials visited the site for the removal of the arch. The Madrasa management is accusing the government of planning to demolish the arch as part of its conspiracy to target the minority community.
The slow pace of bridge work between Zoo Park and Aramgarh stretch on the busy National Highway-44 continues to cause immense inconvenience for commuters. The bridge work was grounded in the year 2021 and yet not completed while the civic body officials are attributing several issues to the delay. A community activist criticized the civic body for putting taxpayers’ money to work while putting commuters’ lives into jeopardy.
The pothole-filled road with crusher stones strewn all the way on the stretch is giving commuters a rough ride while the air filled with dust and debris on the wayside poses a grave danger to their lives. The bridge work is being carried out precariously and in a negligent manner by the workers that resulted in several accidents in recent days.