TDP National General Secretary Nara Lokesh recently met Union Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi. Lokesh complained about the YSRCP government, claiming that they were being harassed with investigations and that his father, Chandrababu, had been arrested.
During the meeting, Lokesh accused the YSRCP government of misusing power and seeking revenge. He expressed concern about the alleged attempts to trouble his mother, Bhuvaneshwari, and his wife, Brahmani, through investigations.
Amit Shah asked Lokesh about the number of cases filed against Chandrababu and himself. Lokesh provided details about the cases filed by the Jagan Government and their status in the trial court, High Court, and Supreme Court.
Amit Shah also expressed that it was not appropriate to create trouble for a 73-year-old man with multiple cases and asked about Chandrababu’s health. He assured Lokesh that the central government was closely monitoring the situation in Andhra Pradesh.
The meeting was attended by Andhra Pradesh BJP state President Purandeswari and BJP Telangana President Kishan Reddy.
Meanwhile, Purandeswari responded to Lokesh’s meeting with the Union Home Minister in a tweet. She stated that it was proof enough to deny allegations that the BJP was behind Naidu’s arrest.